Gitlab to Github pipeline ------------------------- .. contents:: Code Pipeline ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are teams/projects that need their public facing code to be on Github and their in-house code to be in Gitlab. The Gitlab to Github automated code pull/push can be set up and found at, Release Automation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are cli tools available to automate release of code from gitlab pipelines to any gitlab or github project by the use of auth token. Tools used: - Github - - Gitlab - Implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The below .gitlab-ci.yml demonstrates release automation of binary files generated on 'dist/' artifact from build(not shown) stage. This implementation has been taken from .. code:: yaml release-gitlab: stage: release image: python script: - pip3 install gitlab-release - cd dist/ - gitlab-release --server ${GITLAB_SERVER}/${IMAGE_GROUP}/${IMAGE_PROJECT} --project_id ${IMAGE_PROJECT_ID} --description ${CI_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_GROUP}/${IMAGE_PROJECT}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${CI_BUILD_TAG} dsds-client artifacts: paths: # Must include files passed to gitlab_release - dist/ only: - tags release-github: stage: release image: debian script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y hub gettext-base - mkdir -p /root/.config - envsubst < hub.template > /root/.config/hub - hub clone --bare https://${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}${GITHUB_REPO}.git cloned-project/ - mkdir -p cloned-project/dist - cp -r dist cloned-project/ - cd cloned-project - '[ -z "${RELEASE_MESSAGE}" ] && export RELEASE_MESSAGE="${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}\n\nRelease-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}"|| echo "Release message:\n${RELEASE_MESSAGE}"' - echo -e ${RELEASE_MESSAGE} > release_mssg.txt - cat release_mssg.txt - 'hub release create -F release_mssg.txt -a "dist/dsds-client#dsds-client-centos" ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}' artifacts: paths: # Must include files passed to gitlab_release - dist/ only: - tags