.. tsi-cc documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Nov 12 16:26:08 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. :orphan: Welcome to Cloud Consultancy Team ================================= This site is maintained by `the Cloud Consultancy Team at EBI `__ Table of contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `ResOps Training`_ - ResOps Training * `Recommended Tools`_ - a list of recommended tools, and to get the most out of them * `EBI Cloud Portal`_ - the EBI multi-cloud way of deploying applications * `Architectural Design Patterns`_ - how to build cloud-native applications * `About this documentation`_ * `Contact us`_ * `Site map`_ ResOps Training ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Notice * Please check the course pre-requisite on the agenda page. * `Agenda for ResOps 2020 `_ * `Agenda for ResOps 2019 `_ Recommended Tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Ansible: .. * `Ansible best practice `_ * Cloud Consultancy Team toolbox: * `How to install tools `_ * Common Workflow Language * `CWL self-contained training course `_ * Docker: * `Docker best practice `_ * GitLab: * Overview * `How to create docker image `_ * `How to deploy ECP instance `_ * `How to publish documentation `_ * `GitLab best practice `_ * Useful links * `GitLab CI with Maven `_ .. * Grafana: * Google Cloud Platform: * `Accessing GCP node from CLI `_ * HPC in the cloud: * `HPC with Slurm on GCP `_ * Azure CycleCloud * `HPC with CycleCloud on Azure `_ * Useful links: * `CycleCloud Overview `_ * `Setting up CycleCloud as a container `_ * Kubernetes: * `Deployment of Kubernetes cluster on various clouds `_ * `Kubeflow for Machine Learning `_ * Useful links: .. * `How to set up Container-as-a-service `_ .. * `CaaS Service Description `_ .. * Logstash (ELK): * OneData: * `Overview `_ * `Oneclient `_ * `User Guide `_ * `Onedata API `_ * EBI setup details * `EBI onedata portal `_ .. * Prometheus: * Terraform: * `Best Practice `_ * Supervisor: * Description: Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. * `Reference documentation `_ EBI Cloud Portal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `EMBL-EBI Cloud Portal documentation `_ * `Using the EMBL-EBI Cloud Portal `_ * `Packaging Applications for the EMBL-EBI Cloud Portal `_ * `Avoid security credentials on git public repository `_ * `API Endpoint documentation `_ Architectural Design Patterns ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `How to convert monolithic design to microservices `_ .. Coming soon... .. * Best practices .. * Types of architecture approach at EBI .. * Better way of doing .. * Deployment design/architecture About this documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This documentation is `maintained at in a gitlab repository at EBI `_. Feel free to clone a local copy. You would need to run a local build to generate a local HTML site from the source files of `*.md` and `*.rst`. Install Sphinx with the instructions of `Getting started with sphinx `_. Follow the instructions of `Using markdown with sphinx `_ and `Local build with Sphinx `_ to generate your local site. The **master** branch will always be the latest, most up-to-date version. Other versions may be available through the selection drop-down on the bottom-left corner of this page. If you find any mistakes, have suggestions for improvement, have questions, or wish to talk to us about your project, please `contact us `_. Pull requests or `issues filed against the git repository `_ are also welcome. Contact us ^^^^^^^^^^ You can `contact us by email `_ or come find us in pod 14 of the South Building. Site map ^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Presentation/Presentation.rst ResOps/2020/Agenda-2020.rst ResOps/2019/Agenda-2019.rst ResOps/2019/Demo-Creating-VMs-with-Terraform.rst ResOps/2019/Docker.md ResOps/2019/docker/01_running-containers.md ResOps/2019/docker/02_running-a-biobox-container.md ResOps/2019/docker/03_creating-a-docker-image.md ResOps/2019/docker/04_optimising-docker-images.md ResOps/2019/docker/05_using-the-builder-pattern.md ResOps/2019/docker/06_running-as-root.md ResOps/2019/docker/07_using-metadata.md ResOps/2019/docker/08_cleaning-up.md ResOps/2019/Gitlab.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/01_gitlab-account-setup.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/02_create-sample-project.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/03_run-docker-image.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/04_using-git-tags.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/05_add-further-steps.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/06_change-order-of-steps.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/07_pass-build-secrets.md ResOps/2019/gitlab/Error-tracking.rst ResOps/2019/gitlab/Github-pipeline.rst ResOps/2019/gitlab/Gitlab-DevOps.rst ResOps/2019/gitlab/Tracing.rst ResOps/2019/gitlab/auto-devops-tutorial.md ResOps/2019/Important-considerations-for-research-pipelines.rst ResOps/2019/Kubernetes-Demo-2019.rst ResOps/2019/Minikube-and-NGINX-Practical-2019.rst ResOps/2019/Scaling-up-Kubernetes.rst Tech-tips/Accessing-GCP-node-from-CLI.rst Tech-tips/Arvados-on-kubernetes.rst Tech-tips/Cloud-Consulting-Team-toolbox.md Tech-tips/DevOps-toolchain-docker.rst Tech-tips/DevOps-toolchain-ecp.rst Tech-tips/DevOps-toolchain-readthedocs.rst Tech-tips/HPC-with-Azure-CycleCloud.rst Tech-tips/HPC-with-Slurm-on-GCP.rst Tech-tips/Installing-openstack-cli-on-mac-os-x.md Tech-tips/Kubeflow.rst Tech-tips/Tips-and-tricks-with-docker.md Tech-tips/Tips-and-tricks-with-Terraform.md .. Tech-tips/Deployment-of-Kubernetes-onto-clouds.rst .. Tech-tips/Installing-Docker-Kubernetes-for-CaaS.rst .. Rfam-cloud/Requirements-and-status-2018.11.08.md .. Rfam-cloud/Requirements-and-status-2018.11.02.md .. Rfam-cloud/Requirements-and-status-2018.10.26.md .. Rfam-cloud/Requirements-and-status-2018.10.22.md .. Rfam-cloud/Requirements-and-status-2018.10.09.md .. Rfam-cloud/Prototype-of-nfs-and-k8s-cluster.md .. Rfam-cloud/Quick-reference-for-rfam-cloud.md .. Rfam-cloud/Rfam-tmp-results.md .. Indices and tables .. ================== .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`